Helping You Help Yourself #42

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Do other people also need transcripts of every X-Files episode and movie, or is that just me? Welp, I’m the one you’ve got writing this column, so I guess we’re all looking at these now! Fandom is beautiful.

A resource in progress: guides on a variety of issues for a post-Trump world, from family law to accessing healthcare to self-defense, neatly organized and accessible. Also, the ACLU has a guide to knowing your rights for some groups particularly targeted by a Trump presidency.

The alleged best way to get ketchup out of the bottle.

These cards that ask you various random questions are supposed to help you get a fresh perspective when your brain is feeling tired or stuck. Do they work? Up to you to find out!

Some tips on getting compensation when something goes wrong on a flight.

A detailed guide to taking good photos of your pets. (They also have one on taking self-portraits and selfies!)

Thought you might be interested in a “nacho-stacking method.”

Lifehacker compiles online vendors where you can buy birth control without seeing a doctor. At least one of them, Prjkt Ruby, also stocks emergency contraception, which some people may be interested in stockpiling out of concern that it may not be available over the counter in the future in the US. (Not to imply that consulting a medical professional isn’t super important if you’re considering any medication regimen; if you can safely do so, please do!)

How to care for your pillows. Did you even know you could care for your pillows? Now you do.

A variety of extensions and apps for optimized Netflix viewing.

How to Grow the Fuck Up has a guide to 57 ways the public library can save you money and improve your life.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. I just want to point out that one of the often cited awesome things Libraries can provide (via the Grow the Fuck Up link) is access to, and that is true… but that site is owned and run by the Mormon church, and as an ex-mormon I can tell you they are absolutely using your information to baptize your dead relatives without their/your consent.
    The More You Know…

  2. Rachel, you can buy the squeezy plastic ketchup bottles if you like, you don’t have to struggle like this.

  3. I literally had a conversation with my BFF yesterday about the fact I wanted to wash my pillows but wasn’t sure of the best approach. HOW DID YOU KNOW?! :D

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