The Basics
Name | Slevs |
Location | Washington, D.C. |
About Me
About Me | On any given day, I want Rachel Maddow to marry me, adopt me or hire me. |
Religion/Spirituality/Philosophy | Jewish |
Looking For | Queer Friends in my Area, Queer Friends on the Internet, Queer Friends to Make Out With, Business Contacts |
Relationship Status | In a Relationship |
Vices | vodka, food, Jersey Shore, Jewish guilt |
What I Like
Favorite Books | Strangers on a Train, The Namesake, Push by Sapphire, Harry Potter, Wasted, Crime and Punishment |
Favorite Movies | Inglorious Basterds, The Godfather Parts I&II, Some Like it Hot, Milk, Pulp Fiction |
Favorite Documentaries | 8: The Mormon Proposition, Gonzo, Exit Through the Gift Shop, Waiting for Superman |
Favorite TV Shows | Glee, The Office, 30 Rock, Daria, True Blood, Entourage, The Rachel Maddow Show, The Barefoot Contessa |
Favorite Music | lots |
Favorite Sandwich | St. Louis Bread Co. (Panera to you non-natives) Turkey Artichoke Panini |
Favorite Thing to Autostraddle | YOU! |
Favorite Quotes | Who is wise? (S)he who learns from others. Non, je ne regrette rien. |
Favorite Thing on | Awesome people. |
Favorite Writers | Augusten Burroughs, David Sedaris, Elie Weisel, Chelsea Handler, Marya Hornbacher, J.K. Rowling, Tina Fey |