• Gay Ex-Newsweek Writer Finds a Third Way to Make a Bad Point About Gay Actors

    Ramin Setoodeh returns to his exalted position as Worst Person of the (Gay) (News)Week.

  • Let Us Now Praise Effeminate Men

    Alan Cumming’s latest blog post sums up the week perfectly, and addresses perhaps Newsweekgate’s most underasked question: “What is wrong with being effeminate, anyway?” It’s Friday, y’all. Let us praise ye wise men who know “queeny” isn’t even a word, give you some wisdom and share some of our favorite videos; Kurt’s Turn in Glee, Adam Lambert goes crazy, Alan Cumming emcees, Rickie finds World Happiness and Peter Paige finds Emmet’s truth.

  • GLAAD Asks Newsweek for Apology (Though This Isn’t Its First Anti-Gay Offense)

    GLAAD asks Newsweek for apology over Seetodeh’s gays-can’t-play-straight piece! Why do we still care? Because, believe it or not, this isn’t even the worst thing he’s written about gay people for Newsweek, just look at the victim-blaming hate-crime cover story! Anti-DADT empirical research is on YouTube and they’re dancing, Happiness without perfection, what your server is thinking about your date, and a Catholic university isn’t hiring a lesbian.