• Haters Gonna Hate (Gays) Forever, Apparently

    Bad and not-that-bad stuff happening with homophobes in the UK, Toronto, Ohio, Michigan and New Zealand. Also some good news, silver lining, heartwarming things and a Daily Show clip!

  • Tel Aviv LGBT Center Shooting, One Year Later: March to Equality, Tell Someone You Love Them

    The image of Tel Aviv as a liberal gay haven was shattered last year when a gunman injured 15 and killed two youths at an LGBT community center a few months before I was headed there for a study abroad program. On the one-year anniversary of the shooting, LGBTQ Israelis are marching from Jerusalem to Knesset in The March for Equality. Although I was not there today, I also have feelings on this.

  • Rwanda Votes on its Kill the Gays Bill, Zimbabwe Kicks the Gays Out of School

    Rwanda is voting on a “kill the gays” bill too, just like Uganda, which slipped under the radar ’til now. Zimbabwe kicks two girls out of school for lesbian activities, most New Yorkers are upset same-sex marriage didn’t pass, unearthed video footage of Matthew Shepard in a documentary, and what to do when your UK girlfriend’s American Visa expires.