• Five Trans Service Members on the Glory and Agony of the US Military

    These are stories of trans people who have served or are serving in the US military; their experiences range from the positive to the deeply traumatic and everywhere in between. 

  • Senate Repeals DADT: Holy Sh*t, DADT Repeal? It’s Still a Thing!

    Did you think it might turn out to have been not real the next day? GUESS WHAT. IT STILL HAPPENED. Also other stuff! Like Tegan and Sara and a new It Gets Better video and an interview with that cast of Skins and SUBWAY FEMINISM.

  • Judge Rules: Miss. School Violated Lesbian’s Rights, But Won’t Force Prom

    A ruling is made in the case of Constance McMillen and the heteronormative prom and Newsweek interviews Dan Choi about his new radical stance on political action. Prop 8 opponents have to give show the other side internal emails and memos, which could push back the verdict on the Prop 8 trial. Also: two Malawi men arrested for getting engaged go on trial soon, and Lambda Legal is challenging for same-sex marriage in NJ.

  • Conservative Kids Hate Abortion More Than Gay Marriage

    General Petraeus doesn’t care if you’re gay, hater gets hated on at CPAC 2010, Martha Coakley is done with DOMA, and marriage rights are getting people angry in Lisbon. Also, gays are gaining ground in Texas, and should gay news media stay objective on Prop 8? Also, see how Stephen Colbert prepares the Olympic Gay Pride House for their guest appearance!