• 10 Trans Women Pioneers They Definitely Didn’t Tell You About In History Class

    While it’s important to acknowledge famous names like Christine Jorgensen and Lili Elbe, it’s also important to talk about other trans women who might be less well-known, but have had their own big impact on trans history.

  • Let Us Now Praise Effeminate Men

    Alan Cumming’s latest blog post sums up the week perfectly, and addresses perhaps Newsweekgate’s most underasked question: “What is wrong with being effeminate, anyway?” It’s Friday, y’all. Let us praise ye wise men who know “queeny” isn’t even a word, give you some wisdom and share some of our favorite videos; Kurt’s Turn in Glee, Adam Lambert goes crazy, Alan Cumming emcees, Rickie finds World Happiness and Peter Paige finds Emmet’s truth.

  • What Does a Lesbian Look Like?: The Autostraddle Roundtable

    What does a lesbian look like? Until a few years ago, mainstream culture was pretty sure they knew the answer to that question, even though they didn’t. The Autostraddle Roundtable tackles passing, why people can’t understand that lesbians can have long hair, and the relationship between gender, style, and sexuality.