• How to Be a Grown Woman

    “Maybe I could teach you how to do that and you could teach me a couple of things I’ve been wonderin’,” I told her. She shook my hand. It was a deal.

  • Sad Enough Songs: On Julien Baker and Depression

    Depression is not forever because it always ends, and depression is forever because it always comes back. It won’t work if I only want to stay on the days when my brain breaks through the muck. Turn Out The Lights is a meditation on wanting to stay on the very worst days.

  • Line Breaks for Resistance: How Black Poetry Lets Us Rescue Ourselves

    If Alice Walker once said “hard times require furious dancing,” then hard times call for reading poetry, particularly black poets. Follow zaynab’s journey in reconnecting with black poetry as a means of daily survival and understand why reading the work of black poets can enhance our collective understandings of what it means to cultivate and sustain resistance.

  • Birth of The Nintendo Generation

    It was the end of my innocence when I realized that being Black or being Queer in this country could get you killed. This was the time before Hurricane Katrina, before 9/11, before Ferguson. Before. Before. Before.

  • Who Is It That Afflicts You?

    Witchcraft, trials, death and the Devil: how the long road of history winds from 1692 Salem, MA to 2015.

  • The Language of Comedy: On Defensiveness and Being Wrong

    “LANGUAGE MATTERS. In the same way a racial slur brings back a SLEW of painful memories for me and a reminder of the entire history of those words and what they have meant to people and how they have been used to hurt people. I was wrong and it’s important to accept when you’re wrong.”

  • Before You Know It Something’s Over

    “He didn’t feel any pain. He died instantly.” That was how she told me that my father was dead. I was 14.