• Am I Bisexual? Is That The Word?

    I will never again cultivate a romantic relationship with a cis person on purpose, not in this life. I have been hurt too badly, too often, by too many people. T4T only. Inscrutable genders from outer space to the front, those that can be best described as “smell of campfire” && “a great pink shape.” && those best described as “a single chandelier earring dragging across your chest while we fuck.”

  • How Breaking Bread with Queer Christians Helped Me Rediscover Radical Love

    “I put “they/she” on a pronoun button for the first time and countless people — moms, older gay and lesbian folks, and my peers — asked me to share what that meant and what genderqueer identity is because they genuinely wanted to understand ideas that were foreign and difficult for them so they could love me better.”

  • Coming Out As An Amorphous Weirdo

    “It wasn’t until I kissed the second girl that even my therapist at the time laughed at me and told me maybe it was time to accept that my sexuality was not as cut-and-dry as I’d always imagined.”

  • Krisily Kennedy Likes Girls: The Autostraddle Interview

    It all started when Krisily met a girl at a dog park who turned out to be an actress with a job on a television show where she played a character named “Shane.”