• DADT Injunction Still Stands, Gays Can Enlist – But Don’t Get Too Comfortable

    As of today, the military still can’t enforce Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and are forced to allow gays and lesbians to enlist – but with the Obama administration still fighting the ruling, there’s no telling how long that will last.

  • Dan Choi is People

    How far is our group from that fever pitch of anger and refusal to wait any longer that brings things –and people like Dan Choi — to a boil? It’s the most painful point of all. But also, potentially, the most sad and the most powerful. A look at Dan Choi’s Village Voice cover story, “Bad Lieutenant.”

  • Harry Reid Says He’ll Repeal DADT & Give Dan Choi’s West Point Ring Back. Like Soon-ish.

    Over the weekend, Dan Choi (recently discharged under Don’t Ask Don’t Tell) approached Senator Harry Reid with a letter reminding him of his obligations to gay and lesbian American soldiers and delivering him his West Point ring to drive home the point. We have video coverage of their encounter and GetEqual’s protest, as well as the full text of Choi’s letter.

  • Gay Activists Hunger Strike for DADT Repeal – Good Idea/Bad Idea?

    Lt. Dan Choi shares his feelings about the DADT compromise and announces a controversial hunger strike, which we have a lot of feelings about. Also; VFW refuses trans member, Elena Kagan gets Sandra Day’s support and India aims to prevent gay & lesbians from using surrogate parents.

  • Queer the Census: Be Counted or Pay the Price, Homos.

    Get a sticker and queer the census, or go without education and health care. Just saying, it’s up to you. Patraeus says the time has come to repeal DADT. Also; just like kids in middle school, more and more seniors are daring to come out as queer or trans. Even more legal analysis of the Prop 8 trial and what it all means! Plus, a lesbian couple was granted a marriage license in CA because of regressive gender laws, and you can get married at Mt. Everest!

  • Obama’s ‘Small Victories’ for LGBTs This Week: Is It Change We Can Believe In?

    The Obama Administration is making small steps towards helping the LGBT community with the Shepard Act & new initiatives from the departments of Housing and Urban Development and Health and Human Services. Also; Dan Choi gives great interview to the Metro Weekly – with tales of a childhood spent praying “Jesus, make me pop a boner for Michelle Pfeiffer, in Jesus’ name, amen!”