• Friday Fix: Essence’s Lesbian Wedding, Stephen Colbert’s Gay Fear, Other Stories

    Essence’s first lesbian wedding! Early returns from DADT Survey have good news! And Stephen Colbert faces his fears, which include the editor of OUT Magazine, Feministing interviews Rachel Maddow and Winston is a snail for Halloween. Also, moar, with a special appearance by Anderson Cooper and the Jersey Shore (not together).

  • Teens Attempt Throwing Lesbian Classmate Off Cliff on Day of Silence

    Some classmates tried to push their lesbian friend off a cliff because she’s gay; but police are saying this attempted murder, committed on the day of silence, could just be a “prank gone awry.” It looks like DADT won’t be repealed in 2010, and Dan Choi’s civil disobedience got little to no mainstream news coverage. Plus, it’s harder for LGBT victims of violent crimes, Jon Stewart’s Gaywatch, and the Tories in the UK are courting gay voters.

  • Daily Fix: I Hope My Cartoon Baby Also Sounds a Little Gay

    “Many residents are out of work; others worry they will lose their jobs. Thousands of people have difficulty making ends meet … No one needs a campaign to stomp on legislation that doesn’t hurt anyone.”