Call For Submissions: Seeking Autostraddle’s Next College Lesbianagette

Lily, our first College Lesbianagette

Are you about to begin your freshman year of college? Are you a girl-who-likes-girls? Are you attending an all-girls school or a school with an actual queer community? Do you remember Lily’s College Lesbianage, a regular column which chronicled her first two years at Barnard? Well, this could be your lucky day, because we’re searching for our next College Lesbianagette!

You will:

+ Post one column every other Thursday (due the afternoon before) beginning in mid-August

You are:

+ Starting your fist year of college in Fall 2012

+ Comfortable with and prepared to take and post photographs of your life on the internet

+ Matriculating at an all-girls school and/or a school with a vibrant queer community

+ Planning to live in on-campus housing

+ A lady-loving lady

+ An excellent writer with a unique, engaging voice and a desire to develop and grow as a writer

+ Detail-oriented with impeccable spelling and grammar.

To apply:

+ Send us your first column — the one where you introduce yourself, your situation, and your feelings about your upcoming collegiate experience.

+ If you’ve already applied for a Contributing Editor or Intern position but want to apply to be the next College Lesbianagette, you can!! (Sidenote: we’ll be getting back to CEs and Interns next week).

+ Send your first column along with a resumè and a super-brief cover letter explaining why you’re the best girl for the job to laneia [at] (cc rachel [at], riese [at] & laura [at] by July 20th.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3251 articles for us.


  1. So wish I could apply in advance for next year. I start university September 2013 and wherever I go, it’s sure to be hella gay.

  2. Best of luck to whoever gets it–I LOVE columns like this, and we’re a talented, funny bunch; it’s sure to be good. :)

    I’d sign up (starting my first year at art school in San Francisco in late August), but I think three years of community college + fiercely possessive attitude of my identity on the internet are kinda big marks against me.

      • Academy of Art. I’m actually going to be living off-campus with a friend (yet another reason I would fail to qualify; also I don’t think I’m ready for a ‘fist year’) but I’ll be spending a LOT of time in the city.

  3. Oh my goodness this is so exciting! Time to start working on that application :) About how long do you guys want our first column to be?

    • lily’s columns are a good barometer for length — i think usually they were between 800 and 1500 words. as my writing teachers always told me, “as long as it takes.”

  4. Aww, I wish you didn’t have to be in college! My partner and I are enrolling at Guelph University in the fall (the gayest of teh gay in Ontario). Can you go to a canadian university and live off-campus with your stunningly handsome housebutch girlfriend and write the column?

  5. I had no idea Queen’s was gay! Guelph is super gay, I almost jumped out of my car when I had to drive home; so many ladies with alternative lifestyle haircuts. and apparently Guelph Queer Equality is one of the oldest equality groups in Canada, who knew?

    • It’s gayer than it looks from an outside perspective, you just have to know where to look! But now I really wish I had spent more time at Guelph before all my friends who went there graduated!

  6. I’m going to Smith in the fall, but I don’t know if I can handle writing a column. Ahhhhhhhh I just have so many feelings about this.

  7. what does the resume need to look like? All I have is the resume I made for college :(

    • I would love to hear what it’s like to go to Smith! I can’t be the only lesbian who sometimes secretly wishes she had gone there instead.

        • Can we be friends at Smith so that I may at least make an appearance in the column? I’m not sure if I’m going to apply for this. Good luck! (Yay Smithies!!!)

  8. “+ Starting your fist year of college in Fall 2012”

    Good luck to you all, young fisters.

  9. I’d love to do this, but I’m heading off to IU Bloomington – is that gay enough? I’m really hoping there’s a “vibrant queer community.” If not- eh, I’m going to be vibrant and queer and hope one snowballs around me. hehe

    • I’m starting year two at IU, and while there is definately an active queer community, in my experience, I’ve found it to be a little more male-centric than I’d perfer. That’s not to say there aren’t plenty of queer ladies here, though! It’s a great day to be a Hoosier!

  10. I’m starting at my local community college this fall, but that’s not interesting whatsoever. I look forward to reading this, I enjoyed Lily’s College Lesbianage.

    • You’re going to Boulder this fall? So am I! I’m not entirely sure, but I think the queer scene is quite nice there.

      • Really!! woohoo!! well I don’t know about you, but if it’s not already it’s gonna get hella gay when I’m there ;)

  11. Is this only for people who are just starting college this year? I’m about to be a sophomore and I’d looove to do something like this. Sadface.

  12. I’m attending Smith this fall and definitely submitting to this. I’m glad to see my fellow Smithies are interested!

  13. i wish this had been a thing last year! starting my sophomore year at binghamton university, though- but i went from a nervous freshman unsure of the queer scene to being really excited about the upcoming year and having a gorgeous girlfriend, so i guess it worked out. good luck to all the incoming freshmen- can’t wait to read the new column!

  14. Awwww dang. I’m a rising sophomore at Mount Holyoke and this sounds so cool. One of you rising Smithies should do it!

  15. What if you’re a transman going into your transition in sophomore year at Rutgers? Would there be a place for that column?

    • I’m a transwoman who hasn’t started transition yet. Well, that and I have a general lack of time, lol. Otherwise, I’d totally try out for this! :D

  16. Ugh. I really have no idea the size of my school’s queer community. My friend says that Rowan has a decent sized one, mostly malecentric. But you know, I’m gonna go for this anyways! I’ll make the community vibrant and full of lesbians!

  17. This is the post that finally provoked me enough to actually use this shiny account I made awhile ago to actually say actual words! Fancy that.

    I’m going to be a freshman at Stanford this fall and have been told in the words of a fellow freshie transwoman that there “is no better college for LGBTness!” So naturally I’m wondering if I should apply. My two reservations are that A) the term doesn’t start until mid-September, so the first few columns would entail me essentially stewing in my own anxiety juices, and B) I’m not technically out to family yet, per se.

    But a chance to improve my writing and make some internet friends would be so lovely.


  18. I noticed a few of you mentioned youre starting college in the fall and are debating whether or not to like, go out for this. I just wanna say DO IT. All y’all are excellent and probably are dope ass human beings. I just graduated and wish i was less shy in college and just think for me at least, encouragement from slightly older womyn goes a great long way.

    Much love to you bambinis

  19. Bother, I’d totally apply but i’m A. Going to uni (therefore being in the UK and having a totally different experience to the US based majority and b. Don’t have any on campus accomadation to go to.

  20. I’m so doing this! It would be rather exciting and since I planned on having a blog with me writing about being gay in college. I just hope I’m what they want.

  21. Damn :/ I wish this had happened the summer before MY first year of college. I had quite the gay ol’ time, but I’m starting my second year in the fall. Oh well.

  22. Heading off to Barnard in a couple weeks. Super glad I just happened upon AS (finally something beneficial comes from my insomniac linkhounding). Lily’s posts are def gonna get me through the next couple months (and the next couple hours lbr here). Good luck to whoever gets the job this time around.

  23. Why did I not see this a year ago?! I’m going into my second year of university now and would have loved to have done this :(

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