Letter From Your Editors
Hi super chunky merino wool blankets that someone arm-kitted with care and gusto!
We have these faces, see, and today, while the veil between this plane and the next is at its thinnest, we made our faces TERRIFYING just for you! Are you scared? GOOD. We're filling in on this Letter From Your Editors that Riese usually writes today, and it's turning out to be very difficult! How does this work!
1st row: Sarah, Riese, Heather H, Valerie Ann, Stef, Yvonne // 2nd row: Carmen, Nora, Vanessa, Raquel, Mey, Rachel // 3rd row: Erin, Neesha, Casey, Carrie, Jenna, Reneice // 4th row: Laura, Audrey, Priya, KaeLyn, KaeLyn 2: The Kiss, Laneia
Well well well, where to begin. World is still ablaze, check. 2017 still feels like the ...
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