Hello, white chocolate mocha crème! It’s another week and we’re still here on this planet, so, like, cheers to that! Big news: after over a decade of drinking blackest black coffee, I have suddenly gone back to taking it light and (a little) sweet and I don’t know what I was thinking! Black coffee has its merits when the coffee is actually good, but I tend to drink cheap coffee which is exponentially more delicious with lots of cream.
This is like when I pretended to like dry red wine and cloves in college to seem cooler than thou. Actually, cloves are kind of tasty, but smoking is bad for you, kids! (Future baby, if you’re reading this in like 18 years, remember that smoking is bad for you and I do not recommend it and mom and dad will be super sad if you become a smoker. Do as I say, not as I do!) Anyway, choking down dry wine didn’t make me cooler, for the record.
I hope you are sipping your delicious beverage of choice while you enjoy these sweet, sweet Sunday links with me!
What Do Voldemort and Bisexuals Have in Common?
Speaking of choice beverages, it’s the Unicorn Fucking Frappucino, or as I have unofficially dubbed it, the official overpriced Instahype drink of bisexuals! For obvious reasons… I reserve to right to assume that every person I see with one of these beautiful monstrosities is definitely queer/bi/pan.
All the fun and helpful Starbucks-hating and food-shaming and fat-shaming banter aside, today is the last day to get one if you are so inclined. I am not so inclined (though fascinated).
I am, however, very inspired by these Instagrammers coming up with hawt lewks to match your Unicorn Frappe.
Hillary Emerges From the Woods To Hug the Gays, Has Words About Trump

Photo by Samantha Nandez/BFA/REX/Shutterstock
Hillary Clinton spoke about the (obvious) danger to LGBT rights under the current administration (duh) at a fundraiser for The Center. She called us all to keep fighting, saying, “Just remember: we need to resist, insist, persist and enlist.”
“Each time this administration elevates an outspoken opponent of LGBT equality, I picture all of the joyful, beaming couples that I’ve met across our country … who are so excited to get married, start a family, and begin their lives together.”
She also jokingly advocated long walks in the woods and getting more sleep and thanked Marc Jacobs for putting her face on a shirt, noting that she is the “fashion icon of all time.” Oh, Hillary!
We’re Baaaaaaaack on YouTube!

via Shutterstock
Product Management VP Johanna Wright said, “We want to clarify that Restricted Mode should not filter out content belonging to individuals or groups based on certain attributes like gender, gender identity, political viewpoints, race, religion or sexual orientation.” Wright noted that 12 million videos previously restricted are now available after the latest fix to restricted mode.
Now you can enjoy your Everyone is Gay marathon uninterrupted!
What About the (LGBT) Children?

via BBC
The National Union of Teachers (NUT), a British teachers’ union, urged their members to support teaching comprehensive and age-appropriate LGBT+ issues starting in nursery school at their annual conference.
Those generations of young LGBT+ people who have been failed by the system are still not told explicitly in the law that their lives are important too. – Annette Pryce, NUT executive committee member
British students in council-controlled secondary schools currently learn about sex in biology class as the only required education about sexuality. There is no requirement to teach about sex or sexuality at all in academies and free schools in England.
At the NUT conference, teachers passed a motion calling on members to “campaign to ensure a comprehensive age-appropriate content including promotion of LGBT+ matters for all schools from nursery throughout all phases of state education.”
Past LGBT advocacy by NUT has included supporting LGBT teachers specifically advocating for transgender teachers and creating resources for teaching young children to challenge gender stereotypes, along with other progressive campaigns to achieve equity in Britain’s schools.
Let There Be “They” at the LA Times

The Los Angeles Times office via Shutterstock
The L.A. Times released a statement that they’ve updated their style guildeines to include the singular “they”! The Associated Press added singular “they” to their style guide last month.
The L.A. Times new style guide also makes clear that writers should refer to trans people by the names and pronouns they use and that writers should not write a trans person is “born a man” or “born a woman” and, if that information is relevant to the story, should use “designated male at birth” or “identified as male at birth” or “assigned male at birth.” Writers are encouraged to “avoid stereotypes and mention sexual orientation or gender identity only when they are relevant to the story.”
Put Some Pride in Your Next Graphic Design Project
A new typeface honoring the creator of the rainbow flag, Gilbert Baker, is available for free download. The rainbow-hued font is the creation of Type With Pride, a collaboration between NewFest, NYC Pride, Ogilvy & Mather’s, and Fontself. It’s avaiable in beautiful color or black and white.
Baker passed away on March 31st at the age of 65. The creators of the typeface, which they named “Gilbert,” wanted to acknowledge and honor Baker’s contributions to LGBTQ rights and create something that would allow Baker’s activist legacy to shine on after his death.
Ogilvy & Mather’s design agency wrote in a press release about the Baker font:
We wanted to create something special that would not just honor Gilbert and his iconic rainbow flag, but also give the LGBTQ community a fantastic tool to help them create their own banners, posters, and signs. People can now raise the rainbow flag with every letter they type.
So many exciting stories here :) I really hope something like that happens in schools. Reminds me of invasive questions I got when I was a kid. Not saying kids won’t still ask them/stay stuff as kids are brats but at least they’ll know it’s bullying rather than it just being out of ignorance.
Do teens have to learn about gay sex now? When I was a kid it was just 1 how to make babies then 2 how frogs made tadpoles (which is interesting but not relevant to human life…)
Unfortunately, no, no teens are learning about same-gender sex unless they live in the Netherlands, maybe.
That really should teach it & in the unsexy way they teach about sex between someone w a penis & someone with a vagina. The irony/sad part is that teens will just turn to porn to work it out especially these internet days. Especially for between ppl with vaginas as between people with penises is fairly obvious once you know how it works between the sexes.
Especially in terms of protection. It took me fifteen years between my first time and realising it was even possible to protect against stis/that I might need to.
Did anyone have the unicorn frappe…what does it taste like <3
Hi, Starbucks barista here. Some said it tasted like a SweetTart. Others said Sour Patch Kid. Most said it was too too sweet.
Thank you! I’ve heard that criticism recently too haha
It was delicious and magestic and I had one on Wednesday, and I just tried to get one today, but it’s sold out. As a unicorn, I appreciated it.
Aah that sounds great!
I am claiming the unicorn frappe for bisexuals! I’m pretty sure all those instagrammers above are bisexual. Obviously.
I work at Starbucks, and I wasn’t working when we still had the unicorn frappuccino but people are incessantly asking if we still have it and it’s annoying. Like, it’s a valid question, just the volume of calls and questions is exhausting.
But we still have the blue powder and are gonna use it on a frappuccino for Pride because my store is the gayest store.
I’m that person. I’m sorry. Yesterday, I totally pulled up to a Starbucks drive thru speaker, saw the sign that said “out of unicorn frappuccino,” and then mumbled something unintelligible and pulled away without ordering anything.
I was getting it for my partner, though. I don’t like super sweet things and the Starbucks vanilla latte is too sweet for me, so I figured it was just not going to be something I’d enjoy.
My coworkers always make fun of me cuz I have such a sweet tooth haha. I’m actually bummed I didn’t get to try it. My coworker made a great sign for the door that said “Sorry, our unicorn frappuccino migrated to the moon,” and people kept taking pictures of it.
FYI, I learned from another straddler that cloves are nicknamed lung bruisers, due to being soo harsh & sharp on the lungs.
True story: I smoked cloves for less than a year (and I really smoked them, like inhaled fully) and I started developing a smokers’ cough, so I quit! Yikes.
Lol! KaeLyn I had a hard clove phase in college too. The smell is still super nostalgic and bittersweet for me… Never heard “lung bruiser” before! ? Lol! Someone once told me they have tiny pieces of fiberglass in them that cut the insides of your lips and mouth and the toxins get into your bloodstream faster (??) Maybe this is just all forms of cigarettes?? Aghhh truly the worst
Same friend told me some big name cigs still use cotton filter, while others cigs moved to fiberglass filters, which is less safe. I’m told cloves can also do some harm to the lips and mouth.
Ahhhh! Don’t smoke, future baby grown up Dino! It’s horrible for you!
You know what is really funny about the Ostrich video is that guys and girls in zoos and most biology depts are gonna use that on poor hapless guys who really suck at trying to get the girls. You will find the picture on the wall of your office if you are one those guys.
That’s a wonderful thought. I felt very deeply connected to the female ostrich.
I was very jealous when I saw that the unicorn frappuccino is something that exists because as per usual y’all over there in the USA get the cool stuff the rest of the world doesn’t get! I was pretty sure it was not gonna taste great but it’s soooooo pretty!!
Side note: I am that ostrich. For real…I feel like I connect with her on a deep level
I am also the ostrich. We are all the ostrich.
Hillary, I love you so much
I’m really happy I quit working at Starbucks before this unicorn frappuccino thing happened
You dodged a bullet, from what I understand…
Do teens have to learn about gay sex now? When I was a kid it was just 1 how to make babies then 2 how frogs made tadpoles (which is interesting but not relevant to human life…)
Choi Minzi | look what you made me do lyrics