• Skins Recap Episode 404: Katie F*cking Fitch

    It’s Episode 404 of Skins, when Katie mixes a heavy dose of kickass with a little portion of feelings feelings feelings. How’d Naomi and Emily end up in the swimming pool? Let’s recap.

  • “The Real World” Recap: Washington DC, Show Me Your Bisexuals!

    In this new reality-TV-saturated world of ours, has the genre’s pioneer swapped stories about sexuality for stories about sex? “The Real World Washington DC” attempts to knock some sense into these drunk crazy sex-hungry animals by giving them Human Rights Campaign jobs, religion, patriotically inspired decor and you know, um, a hot tub and two bisexuals.

  • The L Word Episode 509 Recap: Liquid Heat

    Everything in LA is too hot to live. The ladies of The L Word have a showdown a la “The Godfather” and then everyone goes home [or to an elevator] and has a lot of sex while Freezepop plays in the back.

  • The Last L Word Recap: Episode 608, “Last Word”

    Talk about NOT ending with a bang. Really IFC, it’s one thing to weigh down your show’s sixth season with an endless parade of unnecessary melodramatic plot devices — a murder, a pregnant man, a stolen film, a botched adoption from homophobic out-of-towners, two out-of-the-blue love triangles — and quite another thing to, when the season ends, not even “use” these devices to infuse the series finale with aforementioned melodrama.