• Sydney, Australia 12/10: Festive Butchcraft Pool Party and Picnic

    Yay! A poolside picnic with crafting opportunities (for those who are so inclined). REMINDER: every body is a beach/pool body and whatever you wear will bring joy to all the Straddlers so do not stress about your choices, including the choice to not swim.

  • Menomonie, WI 3/27: Coming Out with Kristin Russo!

    Kristin is a writer, speaker, educator and consultant with a focus on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQIA+) issues. She holds a Master’s in Gender Studies from the CUNY Graduate Center. She is the Editor-in-Chief of “Everyone is Gay” and “my Kid is Gay” as well as a co-author of, “This is a Book for Parents of Gay Kids” She worked as a host and producer for the PBS Digital and WNET video series, “First Person” a series on gender and sexuality.

  • Los Angeles 3/25: Dr. Frankie Lesbian/Queer Women Singles Event for Professionals & College Educated Women

    We’re excited to announce our next event at The Belmont on Saturday, March 25 featuring our special host, Dr. Frankie of Little Gay Book! Dr. Frankie is a nationally renowned lesbian matchmaker and relationship coach who will introduce us to her matchmaking services and how you can create your own profile in the Little Gay Book network!you’ll join us on March 25th to meet new friends and potential dates and broaden your queer women’s community! To register for the event, please buy your ticket on Eventbrite here. Tickets will then be $25 in advance, $30 the last three days and $35 day-of the event.

    We will be using software that allows you to specify the age range and butch-femme preference of the women you’d like to meet. You’ll go on a series of mini-dates with those women, and you can choose whether you’d like to get to know them better afterwards as friends or dates. After the event, we’ll also host drinks so that you can continue to get to know each other in a low-key community environment.

    Registration will be 7-7:30pm with the event starting at 7:30. The event will go to 10pm and we’ll have an intermission in the middle. While we encourage you to arrive during registration, latecomers are always welcome!

    We are looking forward to seeing you!

  • Melbourne, VIC, Australia 4/1: Melbourne Autostraddle Meet Up

    We are going to be meeting up to resist and persist!

  • Hey Brits, it’s LGBT History Month! Here Are the Best Events to Check Out

    Your guide to LGBT History Month events that don’t suck.

  • London 9/13: Monthly Meet-Up

    This is the our regular monthly meet-up session which we do on the second Tuesday of every month! It’s a great chance to meet new people and just generally dip your toes/catch-up with old friends!

  • International Autostraddle Meet-Up Week Spring 2017: Resist/Persist

    From Tuesday, March 21 – Tuesday, April 4, all over the world, Straddlers are gonna meet up and hang out and plan the revolution. Are you in?

  • London 2/13: Board Game Cafe

    Lets go sit in a trendy hipster cafe in east london and play some board games!

  • Judge a Book By Her Cover: Queer Ladies Speed Dating at Strand!

    An alarmingly relevant speed dating experience for queer ladies in NYC.

  • First Lesbian Take-Over of Las Vegas for Gay Pride: Join Autostraddle at Shedonism

    It’s not often that we Autostraddlers put our computers and books aside to venture out into the big bad world of nightlife culture, but there are certainly a few occasions a year that warrant such an indulgence.