Intern Grace’s Team Pick
It’s time to make yourself aware of the stage adaptation of  Newsies because it’s running from now until October 16 at the Paper Mill Playhouse in Millburn, New Jersey and because it will rock the fuck out.
The film version of Newsies had a sad showing at the box office when it opened in 1992, but it gained a large cult following because it’s kind of spectacular despite it’s weirdness.
In the movie (which itself is based on an actual 1899 newsboy strike), Christian Bale stars as street-savvy Jack “Cowboy” Kelly, the informal leader of the newspaper-toting boys and the cutest lesbian you’ve ever seen. (Sidenote, Christian Bale singing is exactly what you’d think.) When the price of newspapers goes up a tenth of a cent, the boys go on strike. Hijinks and singing ensue, etc. It’s like Oliver! meets Pajama Game with the tiniest hint of Les Mis but also High School Musical.
Adapted largely by the original creative team, the new production includes both the songs from the movie and some new songs to flesh out the show a little more. The team also added an entirely new female character, which is good because, you know, there was like, one girl in the whole movie (Ann-Margret, though, for what that’s worth).
Relevant links:
+Jeremy Jordan is not only starring in Newsies, but he’s also in rehearsals for the new Bonnie and Clyde show.
+Also, Andrew Keenan-Bolger, who I adore and who is playing Crutchie, posted a video from the sitzprobe that features a lot of singing as well as a video of a behind-the-scenes tour you’d probably like.
+You guys, the opening song is the eighth most played song in my entire iTunes library. I love this show.
Seize the day, kittens!
Oh man, if only New Jersey was closer. I love the Newsies!
Newsies is my favorite movie EVER. True story, my bff and I used to do the dances from this movie when we were like 8.
Also, I live in New Jersey, so my life is essentially complete, and my moving to this state is officially worth it now.
Also, while I was dog sitting for some rich people who pay for expensive channels I learned that Newsies is currently on HBO on demand.
Could some of the Newsies be gay ladies already?
Ha favorite musical ever. So back in the day of cassette players this was pretty much the only tape you would find in mine.
Oh wow, flashing back to my childhood here. I loved that movie! If I was even in the same timezone as this, I would be there opening night.
I am so glad other lesbians like this movie. When I try to talk about it all the straight girls start going on about how in love they were with all the cute boys, and then I start wondering why I loved it so much, then, and . . .
This is amazing and I can’t believe I’m on the wrong continent for this! I know all of the words to every song and fancy myself able to pull off a lot of the more complicated kicking/punching/spinning dance moves. Somebody needs to record this show for me.
I was in a stage version of the Newsies when I was in middle school! I consider it a defining moment of my life, of course.
Auuugh why did I move back to Boston and away from New Jerseeeey.
AHHHHHHHH was my favorite movie for like forever. Yes I was one of those crazy cult-fans in high school. Why am I so far away? I want to see it. Actually I WANT TO BE IN IT SOO BAD!!!!! I can’t believe newsies is on AS *dies*
I was never totally sure if I was in love with Spot Collins or wanted to be him.
Both, probably.
I was so obsessed with this movie. I had the vhs, then the dvd the day it came out….ah love.
I would be down for a lesbian remake of Newsies….as long as I could be in it. Anyone else? :)
my friend is in the show!!! He is the guy in the green jacket in the picture! I went and saw the show in previews. so awesome!
I’m beyond excited about this. I absolutely love Newsies!
This is one of the few times I wish I was home in NJ! Papermill is the local theater where a lot of my friends put on shows AND the Newsies is my all time favorite movie from my childhood! SOO UPSET!