I Don’t Think I’m Hot Enough Anymore To Date on the Apps

What if I peaked in 2010?
I used to be very hot. Well, I used to be young. (cue Miley Cyrus…) I also used to drink and smoke and not wear sunscreen and in general did everything you’re not supposed to do if you want to age gracefully. I have lived and that’s obvious on my face, and women in my family just generally don’t age well, we tend to droop and sag, as my mother often complained about. She literally got a facelift after her divorce so. I’ve recently become single after a 12-year relationship, and I’m really struggling with how I seem to be received now, on the dating apps, even in real life, I feel invisible in a group of friends who quite frankly are simply hotter than me, when we swap dating app stories they just get more matches...

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