• Trans Asylee Sues Mike Pence Because Noncitizens Can’t Legally Change Their Names

    A trans man from Mexico filed a lawsuit against an Indiana law that prevents noncitizens from legally changing their name, an El Paso man was arrested for the murder of trans woman Erykah Tijerina, a 13-year-old boy was shot and killed by Ohio police, Sandra Bland’s mother receives a million dollar settlement and more news.

  • Oklahoma Sets New Record Number of Anti-LGBT Bills, Can’t Wait to Discriminate

    Oklahoma introduces a bunch of anti-gay bills which can potentially be really dangerous, Hillary Clinton officially wins the Iowa Caucus, 16-year-old Gynnya McMillen wasn’t given CPR until 11 minutes after she was found “cold” in her cell, a father in Tennessee was arrested for chasing his daughter with a knife after she came out to him, Germany opens its first LGBT refugee shelter and more news stories!