• U.S Government Really Likes Us Gays or is F*cking With Our Heads

    The Pentagon has agreed to meet with a group of partners of gay servicemembers and discuss the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal in addition to listening to the opinions of straight soldiers’ partners. One small step for mankind, amirite? (amirite?) Furthermore, Ken Mehlman being gay is NBD ’cause apparently the GOP doesn’t care about same-sex marriage anymore anyhow? Also the (conservative) guys raising money for our rights have historically raised money for anti-gay candidates. Oh yeah and Roger Ebert loves gay people.

  • The Internet Processes Its ‘Ken Mehlman is Gay’ Feelings

    How has the coming out of former Bush campaign manager Ken Mehlman rocked your world? Or, uh, has it not? Also, a meta-discussion of Judge Walker’s sexual orientation, terrible/TERRIBLE videos on DADT, a new book on conservative vs. liberal families, and a titillatingly bizarre gay espionage murder.