• No Regrets: These Tattoos Are My History

    Some pieces are easier to explain than others.

  • Intervention

    I had “dressed” myself before driving drunk to my mother’s home. I had taken a shower thinking that water would take away the smell; that putting on leggings instead of leggings-that-I-slept-and-drank-in, would make me look like I was wearing clothes; that if I put on mascara I’d look like I had slept through the night and not spent the whole day drinking.

  • Call for Submissions: But Make It Fashion

    Submissions are now open for our next quarterly theme issue: But Make It Fashion.

  • Queer 90s Fashion With Accidentally Lesbian Celine Dion

    “If Rachel Maddow ever hits Dinah Shore karaoke party in a three-quarter-length leather coat and leather pants, it will look like every performance on this live album.”

  • The Woman in the Rainbow Tallit Was the Actual Rabbi

    I wanted to wear my own history again, this time supported not only by my Jewish ancestors, but by my queer ancestors.

  • Untouchable

    “The boots fit. They fit in every way I had never known that other clothing didn’t. They fit in the way that frilly, muddy dresses fit my sister; the way that a black cocktail dress fit Audrey Hepburn; the way that pillbox hats fit Jackie Onassis.”