• “The L Word: Generation Q” Episode 102 Recap: Less Is More

    This episode has everything: pool sex, Olivia Thirlby, fun poppy lesbians, Jamie Clayton, the flu, Jillian Mercado, divorce papers, a gift card, an engagement party and a traditional lesbian building furniture with her bare hands!

  • The L Word Episode 509 Recap: Liquid Heat

    Everything in LA is too hot to live. The ladies of The L Word have a showdown a la “The Godfather” and then everyone goes home [or to an elevator] and has a lot of sex while Freezepop plays in the back.

  • The L Word Episode 605 Recap: Litmus Test

    Next time you move to LA to be with your swim coach boyfriend, uncover lifelong lesbian longings via a literary-minded French seductress, get caught by boyfriend, get married to boyfriend in Vegas, road-trip back home on ’shrooms, discover your French lover’s Sugar Mama’s back in town, break up with the boyf and the girlf, move into your ex-husband’s vacated home, get lady-lover Shane to move in and consequently…well, you know what comes next.