• Friends of Lesbian Teen Gave Her Six Months to Go Straight Before Attacking Her

    New information in the Cheyenne Williams case (maybe), and shocking violence in Edmonton. Gay and bisexual politicians abound, and the petition on Ref. 71 is finally going to court. Also, a defense of the Boy Scouts, and an investigation of the gay dollar.

  • Teens Attempt Throwing Lesbian Classmate Off Cliff on Day of Silence

    Some classmates tried to push their lesbian friend off a cliff because she’s gay; but police are saying this attempted murder, committed on the day of silence, could just be a “prank gone awry.” It looks like DADT won’t be repealed in 2010, and Dan Choi’s civil disobedience got little to no mainstream news coverage. Plus, it’s harder for LGBT victims of violent crimes, Jon Stewart’s Gaywatch, and the Tories in the UK are courting gay voters.