• You’re Free To Travel While Transgender, Protected From Queer Partner Violence

    The State and Justice Departments are teaming up to give you kind of a nice Friday – it should now be a lot easier for trans people to get accurate passports, and new guidelines on partner violence are also going to apply to queer relationships. Also, gay Republicans at LA Pride, angry gay Bostonians, the superstar teen sailor is missing, Exodus International wants you to know it’s sorry but you’re still going to hell, and a Jewish/Arab lesbian feminist has some thoughts to share.

  • Transpeople, Ewoks, Dolly Parton: It’s All The Same to Bill O’Reilly

    Now that American Eagle staffers don’t have to choose “gender-specific” outfits, what’s to stop them from DRESSING LIKE EWOKS? Lawyers think George Rekers gay sex controversy could call his past expert witness testimony into question. Why aren’t we talking about the sex lives of the white male Supreme Court Justices? Plus, how parents deal with Glee, how to be a good beard, and racism in beauty pageants.