• Anatomy Of A Mango: Skin

    There is a different level of intimacy and affirmation that I have found when having sex with other fat people. Thin people approach the fat body like a series of insecurities. They see the swell of a stomach or rolls of fat on the back and assume that you hate those parts of your body. When another fat person touches me, it is to be made whole.

  • I Never Meant for My Hair to Be the Way Back to the Lighthouse

    “I thought changing something on the outside would change the wrecked ruin of me on the inside. I thought somehow the inside would get a memo from my outside and get into shape. It didn’t, but my hair is the first way I was able to gain autonomy over my body.”

  • Taco Tuesday: Finding Home Again

    In the very first edition of a biweekly column all about tacos, Yvonne writes about her personal connection to the delicious, Mexican super food and her search for damn good tacos far away from home.

  • A Queer African Tale: On Trauma, Gender Transitions and Acceptance

    “Dating broken white women became a way to reprise a powerlessness that years of sexual abuse and generations of blackphobia had tricked me into believing in. I drowned this feeling of powerlessness in weed and seeking out relationships in which I could engage in yet remain completely hidden from view.”

  • Dust to Dark: The Colors of My Craziness

    “It’s on my twenty-fourth birthday that I realize something is wrong. I wake up crying and I don’t stop.”

  • Five Small Contributions: On Being A Queer Person of Color

    We wanted to sit down and share stories with you around this virtual campfire to somehow express one little piece of what it means to be queer and a person of color in this crazy, crazy world.