• Lindsay Lohan Home for Thanksgiving, then to Paris for Bisexual Photo Shoot?

    Lindsay Lohan will be home for Thanksgiving … and then she’ll be doing a Terry Richardson PURPLE Mag photoshoot with alleged sex scenes. Also; Candy Slice’s Lady Gaga/Beyonce parody, Fame Monster on VH1, Glee on hiatus, Adam Lambert on Letterman, CBS apologizes for Early Show kissing double standard, and we wonder why Chris Brown is booked for GMA and Adam was kicked off.

  • Gay Men Shine on TV While Ladies Make Occassional Lesbionic Allusions

    GLAAD applauds Glee, viewers love Modern Family, and Rose Rollins & Mia Kirshner are gonna be in the same episode of CSI! Also, Ellen Page & Drew Barrymore just don’t cuddle in public like they used to and Emily Deschanel & Alyson Hannigan go to second base.