• Tegan & Sara Donating Poster Profits to Haiti, Now You Pretty Much Have to Buy One

    Your favorite lesbians are helping Haiti, conservative commentators are on our sides, Gaga loves us, Rosie wants to make out with Sue Sylveste, Maureen Dowd talks to our favorite Prop 8 Trial lawyers, Megan Mullaly joins “Party Down,” Gender Puzzle film looks at the science of gender, Queen Latifah’s sexuality analyzed via winterwear, GenAlso, some celebrities kissed!

  • What If This Headline Made Something Up About Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt Breaking Up

    So many events this weekend, like SAG Awards, Hope for Haiti & Sundance! An arrest has been made in the Buffalo hate crime case against a young lesbian! We say goodbye to Conan & Kim Stolz’s hair and hello to civil unions in Hawaii! Porn stars are maybe lesbians, Salute Your Shorts is somewhere now, the NOH8 guys on MSNBC and LADY GAGA COOKIES EXIST.