• Friday Fix: Essence’s Lesbian Wedding, Stephen Colbert’s Gay Fear, Other Stories

    Essence’s first lesbian wedding! Early returns from DADT Survey have good news! And Stephen Colbert faces his fears, which include the editor of OUT Magazine, Feministing interviews Rachel Maddow and Winston is a snail for Halloween. Also, moar, with a special appearance by Anderson Cooper and the Jersey Shore (not together).

  • Local Cops Out Lesbian Soldier: Is Bigotry to Blame? Or Spite?

    Gay people, especially lesbians of color like Jene Newsome, continue not asking or telling and being discharged anyways — and sidenote, Rapid City has a significant history of racial discrimination. J. Crew has discriminatory hiring practices, Elton got a death threat, gay men may or may not be able to give blood eventually, New Hampshire is standing for marriage equality, and the Paycheck Fairness may be able to make a difference for working women and their families. Also, Jon Stewart explains it all for you.