• Basic Butch Style: Game Day!

    Those of us with a football loving girlfriend, wife, friend, or coworker, know that from September to January — all conversations lead back to the field. Get yourself in the game with a versatile football themed outfit.

  • Basic Butch Style: What to Wear on a Fall Brewery Trip

    Introducing our new series: Basic Butch Style! Showcasing timeless masculine of center classics for every occasion. First up, how to master that rugged brewery aesthetic without looking like you just hiked there.

  • Basic Butch Style: A Cheat Sheet to Dressing for Every Holiday Party

    Deciding how formal an event will be is something more of an art than a science in 2019, here’s how to mix and match to the find right look for every occasion.

  • Wherever West Is

    “Loving women and loving the land are the two things I told myself I would never do, and somehow, they got all tangled up in each other.”

  • Butch Please: A Letter to Baby Butches

    I have every faith in you, baby butch. I know you will be careful with this word and its legacy. It looks like a badge but it feels like a battleaxe, and I need you to know that it’s five times as difficult to earn and ten million times more dangerous.

  • Butch Please: Butch and Boundaries

    Why is it that time and time again, people act like they can’t make me uncomfortable? That as a butch — as well as a queer person, a top, someone who likes to flirt and be sexual just like most human beings — it’s impossible to sexually harass me?