• 20 Years Ago Today in Gay History: The AB101 Veto Riots Would’ve Blown Your Mind

    Twenty years ago today, the queers of San Francisco set fires, broke windows and got arrested, and they did it for you.

  • Judith Butler 101: One Is Not Born a Queer Theorist, One Becomes One

    Did you wake up today feeling a little too sure that you understood the relationship between sex and gender? No fear, Autostraddle is here! Guest writer Julia is here to learn you all about Judith Butler, and to make you feel smarter than you have all day.

  • The Gay 2000s: Twenty Decade-Defining Lesbian Happenings

    Guess what, another decade is over! Here’s a retrospective on the best of times and worst of times in the 00’s for the queers.

  • The Autostraddle Roundtable: Is there a Lesbian Generation Gap?

    “To many young gay people, the passage of Prop 8 was shocking but not alarming,” writes Mark Harris in New York Magazine’s “The Gay Generation Gap,” published two weeks ago in the magazine’s special Pride Week Section. Harris continues: “It has jolted them into action, but one suspects it’s out of a Milk-fed belief that identity-politics activism can be ennobling and cool.” Ouch! One suspects that one is being unfair to us! One suspects that if we’ve managed to make activism “cool,” then that’s a BIG SCORE! — but wait. Before you get too excited (as we did), there’s no need to be offended ’cause this shit ain’t about you, woman! … so we decided to ask ourselves: Is there a Lesbian Generation Gap?” Special roundtable participants include Grace Chu of Grace the Spot, Haviland Stillwell and Riese’s Mom!