• What’s New and Gay To Stream in April 2021

    April’s gonna be great everybody! Season 4 of The Handmaid’s Tale, a new girls-on-the-run Japanese lesbian film, Kate Winslet as a detective with a gay daughter, Season 2 of The Circle, Season 2 of The Black Lady Sketch Show, a new misanthropic queer show from Australia and so much more!

  • January 2021: What’s New and Gay To Stream

    What’s new and queer this month on streaming networks? We’ve got a new season of Dickinson, a Fran Lebowitz special, Anna Pacquin as a hot bisexual mess in Flack, Root and Shaw, a movie called “So My Grandma’s a Lesbian!” and so much more!

  • What’s New and Gay To Stream in December 2020

    December on HBO Max, Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime has everything: Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, a Euphoria special, troubled girls stranded on a desert island and so much more.