Lyric Seal

The Basics


Lyric Seal


San Francisco Bay Area

About Me

About Me

Pornish performance artist. Punkademic. Counselor. Iconoclast. Literary reference. Unnervingly quiet and uncomfortably close. Love animals, children, reading in the park, and old people but will lick the chalk off your pool cue in a dirty dive bar to get ahead. Genderweird dyke about town. Radiates fairytale like wonder. Needs a massage. Will cut you break. If you deserve it. Give us a kiss.

Check All That Apply

Lesbian, Queer, Genderqueer, Sexually Fluid, Femme, Other


Hoodoo. You do. My god is Blue.

Relationship Status

In a Relationship, Non-Monogamous Relationship

What I Like

Favorite Books

Pretty Little Dirty, What the Dead Remember, Slammerkin, Dangerous Angels, the Sandman series, In the House Upon the Dirt Between the Lake and the Woods, Till We Have Faces, Ethnotechno, The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake, Too Late to Die Young