The Basics
Name | saltybox |
Location | Massachusetts, USA |
About Me
About Me | I work at a daycare for dogs, and I volunteer at an animal shelter. I have three dogs and a cat, and sometimes foster kittens. I speak Canine fluently. I love to cook. I’m a vegetarian. My favorite foods are avocados, potatoes, and delicious bread with olive oil. My favorite drinks are Guinness and a strong dark ‘n stormy. I enjoy making adorable vegan cupcakes for the people I love. I don’t use labels to identify myself, but if I had to say something, I would tell you I’m not straight and I’m definitely a weirdo. I want to acknowledge differences but also accept other peoples’ quirkiness. I am not overtly political but I have strong opinions; that is, I don’t sign petitions but I will stand up for myself and my beliefs by any means necessary. I’m just trying to do my thing and live my life, you know what I mean?! |
Check All That Apply | "Label-Free" |
Religion/Spirituality/Philosophy | Norman Greenbaum, "Spirit in the Sky" |
What I Like
Favorite Books | The Other End of the Leash (Patricia McConnell), The Space Trilogy (C.S. Lewis), Harry Potter |
Favorite Queer Books | Drag King Dreams (Leslie Feinberg), Full Frontal Feminism (Jessica Valenti), Click: When We Knew We Were Feminists (Courtney E. Martin and J. Courtney Sullivan) |
Favorite Movies | Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, The Matrix, Waking Ned Devine, anything Tim Burton |
Favorite TV Shows | The L-Word, Family Guy, South Park, Metalocalypse, Star Trek: The Next Generation |
Favorite Sandwich | Hummus, avocado, alfalfa sprouts, lettuce, cucumber, artichoke hearts, tofu, olive oil and vinegar dressing, smooshed together on crusty whole wheat bread. |
Favorite Thing to Autostraddle | My 2011 Subaru Forester. |
Favorite Quotes | “Only fools have no fear.” Worf, Star Trek |
Favorite Thing on | Everything!! |
Favorite Writers | Leslie Feinberg, Jessica Valenti, Gloria Steinem, J.R.R. Tolkien, Patricia McConnell, John Katz |