
The Basics




Encino neighborhood of Los Angeles

About Me

About Me

In my family, we have had someone gay or lesbian in at least the last four generations, waiting to see what happens as the fifth generation grows up.

Professionally, I was a special education teacher and disability counselor/advocate.  I like camping, flying kites (single-line and stunt kites), and reading sci-fi/fantasy and lesbian fiction. I’m into recreational drumming and drum circles. I have a rather eclectic taste in music: rock from the Beatles forward, classical, jazz, musicals. Favorite TV show is Criminal Minds; usually watch dramas over sitcoms. I like doing things with one or two friends; not into big group social activities.  Always a tom-boy, but not hard-core butch. Soft butch, I guess. I’m serious, sensual, supportive, loyal and loving.

Check All That Apply



Messianic Jewish (Jewish/Christian)

Relationship Status


What I Like

Favorite Books

I read a lot of sci-fi and fantasy. Favorite authors are Anne McCafferey and Elizabeth Moon. Louise Marley has some great reads. I’ve read all of Chaim Potak, and a lot of Jewish and Christian fiction. Favorite authors are Naomi Regan and Bodie & Brock Thoene.