
The Basics




Hicktown, USA

About Me

About Me

I like theatre and debate and reading and music and travel and freedom and politics and science and girls.

Check All That Apply

Lesbian, Genderqueer, Butch


atheist/"let he among us without sin be the first to condemn"

Looking For

Queer Friends in my Area, Queer Friends on the Internet

Relationship Status

It's Complicated, Forever Alone


I am a good listener and I am nice. And apparently adorable?


I am lazy. And I hit on way too many people.

Are You Out To Your....

Member(s) of Immediate Family, Close Friends

What I Like

Favorite Books

Most errything by the aforementioned authors.

Favorite Queer Books

Queer . . . books . . . .

I liked Tipping the Velvet and this one YA novel called Far from Xanadu

Favorite Movies

Uh . . . action movies?

Favorite Documentaries

There are far too many to name. I have a tragic addiction.

Favorite TV Shows

Whedon. Through the Wormhole.

Favorite Music

Lots. Plenty. Yes.

Favorite Sandwich

food. I like food sandwiches.

Favorite Quotes

Hunter S. Thompson quotes.
Jack Kerouac quotes.
Silly things people have said.
Mark Twain quotes.
Blah . . . . John Lennon quotes.

Favorite Thing on Autostraddle.com

People and politics. I have this problem where I enjoy reading about injustices and getting positively irate about them, then resolving to ABSOLUTELY resolve them by refreshing the page.

Favorite Writers

Vonnegut, Christopher Moore, J.R.R. Tolkien, Orwell, Anthony Burgess, Jack Vance, Steinbeck, Jack Kerouac, Stephen Hawking, countless others