The Basics
Name | Hilary |
Location | Salt Lake City |
About Me
About Me | I’m pretty. I’m smart. I own cats. I have seizures. I clean my house compulsively and then let it get dirty again. I love sushi. I’m embarrassed when people see the music I listen to because I’m sure a lot of it sucks. I like to do karaoke. |
Check All That Apply | Queer, Sexually Fluid |
Religion/Spirituality/Philosophy | Atheist former Mormon. My philosophy is to be as kind as I can to everyone. |
Relationship Status | Single, Sleeping Around |
What I Like
Favorite Books | The Handmaid’s Tale, Or Else, American Gods, Good Omens, The Edible Woman, Life Before Man, Wilderness, Rose |
Favorite Movies | Delicatessen, Life is Beautiful, Pan’s Labyrinth, Let the Right One In, any and all Korean horror, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog, lots of schlocky awful stuff I won’t even bother mentioning. I don’t really like most romantic comedies, though. I obviously have no heart. |
Favorite Documentaries | 8: The Mormon Proposition (I was friends with one of the guys in it in Jr. High/High School), Planet Earth, most things that are sciencey or political. |
Favorite TV Shows | Parks and Rec, Breaking Bad, Community, American Horror Story, United States of Tara, Nurse Jackie, Dexter, Fringe, Misfits, Torchwood, Dr. Who |
Favorite Music | Ani DiFranco, Dresden Dolls, Pixies, Patty Griffin, Indigo Girls, The Cure, Bjork, and lots and lots of eighties pop junk. |
Favorite Sandwich | Turkey from the Sandwich Tree in Idaho Falls, ID |
Favorite Thing to Autostraddle | Do I have to choose just one? |
Favorite Thing on | Posts about food and how to make/do stuff |
Favorite Writers | Margaret Atwood, Robert Penn Warren, Neil Gaiman, Dorothy Sayers, May Swensen, Li-Young Lee, Billy Colins, Sylvia Plath, etc. |