
The Basics




Dublin, Ireland

About Me

About Me

My friend and I have this theory of Recycled Faces. It was sparked by a photograph in a history book we had in school, of a bunch of world leaders and general big shots during WWII. One of them (we could never identify who it was supposed to be) looked EXACTLY like John Malkovich. Thus the theory was born that there are only so many different combinations of features possible for the human face. Basically there is a cosmic recycling centre from which your face came and into which your face will return upon your death. So, eventually, someone else will be born somewhere with exactly the same face as you. Of course, we agreed, it was not possible for them to be born within your lifetime or for you to meet them because this would not be a recycled face but a Doppelgänger, which is another story altogether but generally (if the X Files is anything to go by, at least) leads to immediate apocalypse.

I am now on a life-long mission to discover an historical photograph of someone else with my face.

Check All That Apply
