• The Language of Comedy: On Defensiveness and Being Wrong

    “LANGUAGE MATTERS. In the same way a racial slur brings back a SLEW of painful memories for me and a reminder of the entire history of those words and what they have meant to people and how they have been used to hurt people. I was wrong and it’s important to accept when you’re wrong.”

  • Call and Response: On Body Snarking and The Word “Tr*nny”

    “If you do feel the need to ask if someone is transgender or not, first ask yourself why. Why is it your business? Why do you need to know? And will it change anything you think about this person?”

  • On Making Rape Jokes

    “Since the nuances of personal responsibility seem to escape so many people, let’s go through it. Let’s figure out rape jokes.”

  • Hey, Men, I’m Funnier Than You

    “Being funny is like any other artistic skill, but to wield it successfully requires outspokenness, unapologetic honesty, supreme self-assuredness, and an outright refusal to pander. And those aren’t exactly the traits we foster in our little girls.”

  • How Can a Smart, Educated, Feminist, Queer Woman Like You Be Interested in Fashion?

    Fashion is an epic shitshow of misogyny, female oppression, consumerism, body image distortion, racism, exclusionary and corrupt politics, and, oh, I don’t know, maybe even the root of all evil. And yet I still identify vehemently as both feminist and queer. And I love fashion. How is this possible?

  • Come on Ilene, I’m Begging You Please!

    Why oh why won’t Chaikenbake give us a decent [or any] sex scene on The L Word this season? In a world where all we seen on screen is heterosexual sex, we need somewhere where are desires are not just validated but portrayed.