• Extra! Extra!: Some of the Changes We Can Already See as the Trump Era Drags On

    In this week’s Extra! Extra! we continue following America’s election 2020 saga, the havoc the Trump administration continues to wreak in its final two months and a few encouraging outcomes from the 2020 election. We also have some States-side updates on the COVID-19 pandemic and other situations unfolding around the world.

  • Extra! Extra!: What’s Changing – and Staying the Same – in Minneapolis After George Floyd’s Death?

    This week’s Extra! Extra! takes us back to the state where George Floyd died to check on the progress towards justice. We take a look at some of the implausible stories concocted by the same people who ask us to believe them when their body cams mysteriously fall off. We look at what’s happening — or what’s not happening, as the case maybe — on addressing corruption, police brutality and immigration. And, of course, a look at how the virus continues to impact our lives.