• Friday Fix: Essence’s Lesbian Wedding, Stephen Colbert’s Gay Fear, Other Stories

    Essence’s first lesbian wedding! Early returns from DADT Survey have good news! And Stephen Colbert faces his fears, which include the editor of OUT Magazine, Feministing interviews Rachel Maddow and Winston is a snail for Halloween. Also, moar, with a special appearance by Anderson Cooper and the Jersey Shore (not together).

  • Queer Dance Crew “Vogue Evolution” Does Beyonce FTW

    Vogue Evolution, the all-gay dance crew with a transgender female lead, wowed the judges for another week at ABDC. Blogger calls out Bill Clinton for DOMA & DADT. Plus Megan Fox makeout, Lesbian Vampire Killers, Lady Gaga spits out men, images from the Great National Kiss-In, Craigslist monday and more! Did you know that ostriches are bad at mating because they always fall in love with humans? Just like lesbians & straight girls!