• Glee Mini-Recap: Episode 112 – Mattress

    This week on Glee people draw mustaches on photos, Will finally realizes his own wife isn’t now — nor has ever been — pregnant, and Carlytron finally manages to enjoy this show again.

  • Glee Mini-Recap – Episode 107: Throwdown

    The Lynch can do no wrong and she OWNED this episode. The spit flies on Glee this week, as Sue and Will face off over control of the Glee club, Terri continues to fake her pregnancy, Quinn has to deal with the ramifications of hers, and Emma is tragically nowhere to be found.

  • Glee Recap – Episode 108: Mash-Up

    This week on Glee, Will raps twice, the same things that usually happen continue to happen, everyone speaks in metaphors, The Lynch wears a zoot suit, and Carlytron cries a thousand mashed-up tears.