• You Need Help: Can I Date While Living With My Homophobic Parents?

    Dating can be amazing and wonderful. But if you currently rely on homophobic parents for material support, it may be time to focus on planning the next stage of your life — one where you are less dependent on your parents, and have the space to fully be yourself.

  • You Need Help: You’re Gay but Oh No You’re Falling for a Man, What the F*ck

    “How does one successfully navigate such a dramatic shift in a long-held and cherished identity?! Is it possible to have relationships with men devoid of internalized homophobia, misogyny, etc? Is it worthwhile to tell this person how I feel — could I possibly expect anyone to navigate all this baggage with me?”

  • The Things You Say

    Was I so far from the idea of trans in her head, that there was no way I could be “one of them”? Or did she refuse to make the association because there was something so wrong with being a trans woman that she could never be attracted to one?