• Extra! Extra!: Mourning Brandon Bernard and Casey Goodson Jr

    In this week’s Extra! Extra! we discuss some of the recent abuses committed by the criminal justice system, revisit the topic of COVID-19 vaccine authorization (after a robust discussion on this in the comments last week) and look at a few situations unfolding around the world.

  • Extra! Extra!: How Much Does Yet Another Trump Reveal Actually Reveal?

    This week’s Extra! Extra! Offers more reflections on police brutality and delves into some damning news coming out of Trumpland. We also look at some LGBTQ+ news from around the world and dive into some of the not-so-great situations unfolding in Europe. And to close out, a look at the state of the Internet, climate change and the pandemic.

  • Extra! Extra!: There Must Be an End to the Long List of Names We Memorialize

    This week’s Extra! Extra! honors all the victims – past, present and future. Oh it needs to stop – there must be an end to the long list of names we memorialize. But I’m not naive enough to think more lives won’t be lost before we reach that point.

  • Extra! Extra!: What’s Changing – and Staying the Same – in Minneapolis After George Floyd’s Death?

    This week’s Extra! Extra! takes us back to the state where George Floyd died to check on the progress towards justice. We take a look at some of the implausible stories concocted by the same people who ask us to believe them when their body cams mysteriously fall off. We look at what’s happening — or what’s not happening, as the case maybe — on addressing corruption, police brutality and immigration. And, of course, a look at how the virus continues to impact our lives.

  • Extra! Extra!: Making Sense of a Summer Shaped by Violence

    The state-sanctioned violence continues, people protest peacefully and are attacked and even killed by law enforcement and vigilantes (who are also, more or less, supported by law enforcement). We also bring a brief update on the state of the US election after both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions wrapped up, an update on some of the situations we’ve been following in Lebanon and Russia and, finally, on the COVID-19 pandemic.