• Extra! Extra!: As the Dust Settles, Here’s What We’ve Learned So Far in the 2020 Election

    Last week I was full of the nervous anxiety you feel when you know something big is about to happen, and you’re just counting down the clock. This week I’ve been full of the nervous anxiety of indefinite waiting. And yet, in that time, so much has happened in the world. In this week’s Extra! Extra! we share some reflections on the 2020 election and news on events from Vienna to Poland to Ethiopia to the Philippines to New Zealand to Chile.

  • Extra! Extra!: Some of the Changes We Can Already See as the Trump Era Drags On

    In this week’s Extra! Extra! we continue following America’s election 2020 saga, the havoc the Trump administration continues to wreak in its final two months and a few encouraging outcomes from the 2020 election. We also have some States-side updates on the COVID-19 pandemic and other situations unfolding around the world.

  • Extra! Extra!: How Much Does Yet Another Trump Reveal Actually Reveal?

    This week’s Extra! Extra! Offers more reflections on police brutality and delves into some damning news coming out of Trumpland. We also look at some LGBTQ+ news from around the world and dive into some of the not-so-great situations unfolding in Europe. And to close out, a look at the state of the Internet, climate change and the pandemic.

  • Extra! Extra!: A Socially Distant Democracy

    This week’s Extra! Extra! considers the shocking indictment against Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro and what democratic action looks like during social distancing.