• Military Panel Fights For Women’s Right to Fight

    Gabrielle Giffords’ condition is rapidly improving, and hopefully soon she’ll be able to speak! Some officials want women to have more prospects in the military; Chris Colfer wants what’s best for Kurt, Jessie J on Gaga, sexy photoshoot interpretation of Lisbeth Salander, and Jackass does Black Swan.

  • Apocalypse 2012: Ahmadinejad Blames Gays, Gays Blame Sarah Palin

    A Lot of Video Today! Conflicting visions of the apocalypse (our favorite is from Saturday Night Live), Tegan & Sara have a new webseries, Window Media’s closed titles live on, Healthcare reform continues to keep us on the edge of our seats, Palin groupies storm a tour bus, Twilight exploded all over the world and Venice The Series looks really hot!