• June Town Hall Transcript

    The transcript for the June Autostraddle Town Hall is now available!

  • Austin, TX 6/7: black girl love: an adaptation project

    all black. all gay. all in love. An adaptation of Anondra “Kat” Williams’ book of short stories and poetry, black girl love looks at the everyday lives of black queer women and non-binary people. It’s a play about our relationships to love, sex, and obsession.

  • New York, NY 2019-05-04: The Way That We Live: An L Word LARPing Party

    Q: What is the L Word** and why are we LARPing about it?
    A: If you’ve never seen the iconic, important, drama-infused, and at times problematic** television show about West Hollywood lesbians living, laughing, learning, loving, etc., it’s not too late – and it’s on Netflix! Autostraddle has a helpful guide on how to ease in (https://tinyurl.com/y424w74s). If you’re familiar with the program, you may also know that the series will be relaunched sometime in the near-ish future. We LARP to celebrate and lampoon this vanguard of lesbian representation before it is unleashed upon the world again!

    Q: When? Where? How much?
    A: Saturday, May 4 | The Starliner – 1446 Myrtle Ave.
    5 bux in advance / 10 bux day-of and at the door.
    Get yr tickets here: https://tinyurl.com/yys3wzyu
    All proceeds go to the Queer Detainee Empowerment Project ♥

    Q: What’s gonna happen?
    8:30 PM – DJ Disco Bruja + L Word Trivia w/ Lily Marotta and Minnie Bennett
    10 PM – Dance party w/ host/comedian/L Word commentator Jess Henderson
    + DJs flipphone, elosi + more
    All night: queers, dancing, cruising, larping.

    Q: What is LARPING?
    A: Technically it means live action role play. In this case, it means come as your favorite L word character, element, or lesbian abstraction (Bette, Alice, a leather cuff, a couple’s therapist, whatever!)

    Q: What should you wear?
    A: LARP MEANS LARP, Y’ALL! Costumes required! Come as your favorite core cast member, that throwback deep cut cameo from season 2, or that side character you wished made it into regular rotation. Early aughts lesbians in southern California? The possibilities are endless!:

    Q: Who is invited?
    A: If you love/feel some kinda way about The L Word, you’re invited! (queers, allies, everybody! but please understand and be respectful that this is a queer party, so come correct.)

    Q: How can you stay informed/see gay memes until the event on May 4?
    A: RSVP on this here Facebook event.
    Buy your tickets here: https://lwordlarp.brownpapertickets.com/
    Follow us on the gram: https://www.instagram.com/THE_WAY_THAT_WE_LIVE/

    Please spread the word to your friends, lovers, and frenemies!!
    See you on May 4 ♥

    The Board of the CAC

    **When the L Word began airing in 2004, it was, for some queer women, the first time we saw ourselves writ large. Or, at least, it was one of the first times we saw our friendships, romances, traumas, and heartbreaks on television, with storylines that did not end exclusively in tragedy or a nunnery. It was big and important and over the top and a huge part of some folks’ early queer lives.

    The L Word was also highly problematic, heavily focused on a white cis woman experience within an elite socioeconomic class, often complicit in blatant racist and transphobic messaging, and suffered for its exclusion of the queer experience of people outside of a wealthy West Hollywood lesbian community. This event seeks to celebrate the parts of the L word we wish to keep – the LOLs, the drama, the characters and moments that made us feel connected and seen. And to critique and leave behind the parts that made queer folx feel anything less than loved and lifted up. Lez do this ♥

  • Los Angeles/Ventura 1/14: PURR – New Queer Grl Event in Van Nuys/NoHo!

    Queertainment Presents: PURR, FOR GIRLS WHO LIKE GIRLS

  • You Should Go: PHRESH CUTZ Queer Pop-Up Barbershop Is Back In Brooklyn Saturday

    An amazing chill accepting relaxed fun pop-up barber shop party situation where anyone can show up and have a drink, get a haircut, chat to some cool humans, dance quite a lot, and generally have a fanfuckingtastic time.

  • International Autostraddle Meet-Up Weeks: You’ve Earned It

    We want to hang out. Like, a lot.