• Desert Heartbreaker

    “I always went the extra mile for you and did so gladly because I loved being around you. You never returned these more concrete gestures, which should’ve been the first sign that things were not reciprocal between us, but I was oblivious and idealistic. I genuinely believed I had found love.”

  • Texas Is Not the Only State: Confessions of a Lesbian Exile in New York

    “I kept MapQuest directions to Albuquerque in the glove compartment of my car, just in case I needed to run away. When I graduated, I moved to upstate New York for college.”

  • Confessions of a Teenage Run-a-Gay or “How (Not) to Go Home for the Holidays”

    In a special guest edition of the College Lesbianage, Katrina will offer advice on how to make it through winter break with the family. Except that she doesn’t really have a pantsless leg to stand on, is writing from an undisclosed location, and has no idea what she’s talking about.