• Before You Know It Something’s Over

    “He didn’t feel any pain. He died instantly.” That was how she told me that my father was dead. I was 14.

  • Everything Hurts All The Time

    “I hated my body and punished it, and it hated me and punished me back. Is that what happened? That’s the thing about getting sick the way I got sick: nailing it down.”

  • Like Love Was A Thing I Could Do

    “Isn’t this what Valentine’s Day had always been to me? A pageant? An opportunity to try on the idea of being in love, being traditional, being a couple you could fit into a envelope.”

  • Going Mad in New York City

    “I feel like yelling at people,” she told me. I didn’t really grasp then that she meant that. This was the very first time. This was the day after Easter.