• Wild Child West: The End of the Road

    Now I start over, and rebuild, and confront fear and learn to drive alone and figure out how to secure Eli in the loft so I can still snuggle with him at night. Now I have to hang the art I’ve collected from friends over the years, find a place for my autographed Eileen Myles books, and learn to do yoga. Now I need to meet all the versions of myself hiding in this city and make friends with every single one of them.

  • Wild Child West: (Not) Going Home

    I went to New Jersey and back, and I had a million billion emotions.

  • 60 Days in China: Where Everywhere Else Seemed Upside Down

    “China is beautiful because it’s not like anything you’ve ever known before. There is nothing that reminds you of home, and when you get home, everything will remind you of China.”

  • Eight Honest Things About New York City

    The taco truck isn’t f*cking around. What do you want? A taco? The people working in the taco truck want you to have that taco. (Eight Honest Things About New York City according to someone who was there for like, three weeks.)