• I’m Coming Out as an Anti-Zionist Jew

    Going viral holding a sign that reads “My grandpa didn’t survive Auschwitz to bomb Gaza,” is not how I planned to start a conversation with my family condemning Israel’s actions against the Palestinian people. I’m not the only Jewish person who has long chosen to self-silence rather than stand with my values, but it’s not too late for other Jewish people to join me. The moment for Jewish-Palestinian solidarity is now.

  • Why I’m Going To Run for Office

    “I’m done putting my faith in well-meaning surrogates. That’s not enough now, and it never really was.”

  • Digital Mixtapes and Protests: Oh, To Be A Queer Black Millennial

    “For a moment, I forgot about the summer of 2015. I forgot about the panic I experienced, the insomnia, the depression. We watched the new season of Orange is the New Black together and by the end of episode 12, it suddenly all came back.”