• “To L and Back” L Word Podcast Episode 604: Leaving Los Angeles With Thomas Beatie!

    Thomas: I remember hearing that there was a trans character named Max, and that he gave birth and that possibly he was inspired by my actions.
    Riese: A hundred percent, he was inspired by you.
    Carly: A thousand percent.

  • RECAP of “The Who Killed Jenny Show.”

    The most telling part of this whole she-bang is the ominous “Jenny Schecter 2002-2008″ graphic that concludes the program. Not only does it imply that Mia looks hella old for a 6-year-old, it also serves to remind us that life begins and ends in the hands of our Creator, the Lord Above, Her Majesty Chief Alaskan Protection Community Coordinator Princess of the Lesbian Universe of All Peoples. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.